I’m transferring my DATs!

At long last, I’ve got round to porting Marcus Meissner’s DATlib from a Sun/Unix-y to a Win32/Generic platform. I also wrote a quick Dat2Wav.exe program to batch my music from DAT (digital audio tape) to WAV files. It’s available (for free) at my main site, but please report any problems (or successes) here.

2 Responses to “I’m transferring my DATs!”

  1. 1 computall Mar 12th, 2007 at 15:09

    The computall version has been free for the asking since we went out of business in late ’05. The sudden death of our key contributor pretty much put an end to the company. We recently got the passwords for the site and will be updating the information about the free stuff.

    To avoid confusion, you might consider a file name for the executable that isn’t exactly the same as ours which has been in use for 8 years.

  2. 2 dfsmith Mar 12th, 2007 at 15:42

    I’m glad you found the passwords and can get up and running again.

    I did think about the name long and hard, with these conclusions.

    1. It’s very descriptive.
    2. As long as it’s always referred to as dat2wav.exe (and not dat2wav.zip) it should be okay.
    3. Someone searching for a .exe file should get a free, open-source version before a (possibly illegally copied) version. This point is possibly moot if dat2wav.zip is free (though not open-source, I imagine).

    If you object, I can rename it dat[2|To]wav-datlib.exe or something like that. I’m not too concerned. B-)

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